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The Mysterious Departure

about 1930-1933

Giorgio d. Chirico (Italian, 1888–1978)


On display in H200

oil paintcanvaspainting

Artwork Details

ArtistCreation Date
about 1930-1933
Creation Location
oil on canvas
Object Types
paintings, oil paintings

21-7/16 x 27-1/2 in. 29 x 35 in. (framed)

Accession Number
Credit Line

Bequest of Mrs. James W. Fesler

© Estate of Giorgio de Chirico / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY

European Painting and Sculpture 1800-1945

Color Palette

In possession of the artist in 1935.{1} (Mayor Gallery, London, England).{2} Probably (Georgette Passedoit Gallery, New York, New York) by 1937.{3} Possibly (Valentine Dudensing, New York, New York);{4} (Theodore Schempp, New York, New York); sold to Caroline Marmon Fesler [1878-1960], Indianapolis, Indiana, in January 1944; {5} bequeathed to the John Herron Art Institute, now the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, in June 1961. {1} A label on the back of the frame reads: 'Vystaveno na vystave, Umelecké 5.V. 1935, cis. kat. 27'. This label makes reference to a 4-page catalogue of an exhibition entitled Giorgio de Chirico: Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings held in the Alsov Room of the Umelecká Beseda (Artistic Forum, a Czech society of artists, literary figures and musicians active from 1863 to 1973) in 1935 and sponsored by the ambassador of the Kingdom of Italy in Prague. In a short introduction written by de Chirico, he notes that he will give a lecture in Prague during the course of the exhibition; catalogue number 27 reads: 'Pomník velkému muzi, 1914, 6.000 Kc (Monument to a Great Man, 1914, 6,000 Czech crowns). In addition, the back of the frame bears a custom's stamp: 'R. Dog. Internationale di Chiasso, 3. Ago. 33', and a stamp from another exhibition in Czechoslovakia: 'Skupiny V.U. cerven 1935'. {2} A Mayor Gallery label bearing the stock number 1328 appears on the back of frame. The majority of the early records of the Mayor Gallery were destroyed in WWII, and Andrew S. Murray of the Mayor Gallery, in correspondence dated February 2003, indicates that their incomplete records from this period do not contain a reference to stock number 1328. {3} A painting with the title "Mysterious Departure" was included in and exhibition at this gallery in April 1937; see New York Times, "A Reviewer's Notebook," 11 April 1937. {4} A hand-written note in IMA Historical File (61.40) suggests that Schempp got the painting from Valentine Dudensing. {5} IMA Temporary Receipt No. 4508 indicating arrival of the painting in Indianapolis.

Exhibition Name



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