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Breton Women at a Wall


Emile Bernard (French, 1868–1941)


On display in H206

oil paintcardboardcanvaspainting

Artwork Details

ArtistCreation Date
Creation Location
oil on cardboard mounted to canvas
Object Types
paintings, oil paintings

33 x 45-11/16 in. (sheet/canvas) 42-3/4 x 55-1/4 x3 in. (framed/optium)

Mark Description

Signed and Dated in lower left: Emile | BERNARD 1892

Accession Number
Credit Line

Samuel Josefowitz Collection of the School of Pont-Aven, through the generosity of Lilly Endowment Inc., the Josefowitz Family, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Betley, Lori and Dan Efroymson, and other Friends of the Museum

Public Domain

European Painting and Sculpture 1800-1945

Color Palette

Possibly Comte Antoine de La Rochefoucauld [1862-1959], Paris, patron and friend to Bernard's circle.{1} To Clément Altarriba, son-in-law of the artist, Paris, by 1949;{2} sold via (Wildenstein, Paris) to Nina Sussman, New York;{3} purchased from her in 1959 by Samuel Josefowitz;{4} acquired as a partial gift, partial purchase by the IMA in 1998 (1998.172). {1} La Rochefoucauld was acquainted with Bernard by 1892 as a fellow exhibitor and financial backer of the first Salon de la Rose + Croix, Galerie Durand-Ruel, Paris. He may have acquired this painting out of the 1893 exhibition of Brittany paintings at Pére Tanguy's. {2} See the exhibition catalogue, Eugène Carrière et le Symbolisme, Orangerie des Tuileries, December 1949-January 1950, catalogue no. 214 where he is listed as the owner. {3} A note on the bill of sale indicates that the painting was acquired by Sussman through an agent for Wildenstein on consignment from Altarriba. {4} See Josefowitz inventory card, copy in IMA Provenance file (1998.172).

Exhibition Name



Gauguin et: Ecole de Pont-Aven

Musée de Pont-Aven

June 28, 1997 - September 29, 1997

Gauguin and the School of Pont-Aven

Museum Würth

March 2, 1997 - June 1, 1997

Gauguin and the School of Pont-Aven

Art Gallery of New South Wales

May 13, 1994 - July 24, 1994

Emile Bernard, 1868-1941: A Pioneer of Modern Art/Ein Wegbereiter der Moderne

Städtische Kunsthalle

May 12, 1990 - August 5, 1990

Le Japonisme

Musée d Art Occidental

September 23, 1988 - December 11, 1988

Le Japonisme

Réunion des Musées Nationaux Grand Palais

May 17, 1988 - August 15, 1988

Post-Impressionism: Cross Currents in European and American Painting, 1880-1906

National Gallery of Art

May 25, 1980 - September 1, 1980

Carroère et le Symbolisme

Musée de l'Orangerie

1950 - 1950

Gauguin and the Pont-Aven Group (Pont-Aven: Gauguin und sein Kreis in der Bretagne)

Kunsthaus Zürich

Dates Unknown

Gauguin and the Pont-Aven Group

Tate Britain

Dates Unknown

Post-Impressionism: Cross Currents in European and American Painting, 1880-1906

The Royal Academy of Arts London

Dates Unknown

Père Tanguy


Dates Unknown

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This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [MA-251861-OMS-22].